A-1 Concrete Leveling

A-1 Concrete Leveling & Foundation Repair


America's Largest Concrete Leveler

The Cost Effective Alternative to Concrete Replacement
What is Slabjacking?
Also known as mudjacking, the process of concrete raising and leveling involves floating the slab up in small increments which allows a controlled lift and provides the best protection for the concrete.  Concrete leveling services are best performed by experienced professionals that understand the right mix of materials and equipment to use in order to protect the integrity of the concrete without any damage to nearby structures. 


A-1 drills a series of one-inch diameter holes through the slab and hydraulically pumps a limestone-based slurry beneath the slab.  This material flows into all the voided areas and reestablishes the sub-surface, effectively creating a new, stable sub-base.  The concrete can be used immediately after the job is done.